Vidyashram- The Southpoint School celebrated ‘Open House’ on 10th August 2019. Students showcased their work, their projects and teachers demonstrated a model class in their classrooms. Parents visited these classrooms and interacted with students and teachers to experience what goes in the classrooms. There were different kind of performances like Karate, Music , Sports and parents attended these performances in the particular spaces where classes happen.
At our school, teachers use a lot of different teaching techniques like theatre, storytelling, dance, music, discussion, debate, arts and crafts, and during Open House, parents get to see all the work that happens throughout the year in the classrooms.
This year on Indian Independence Day, a small one hour program was organized. Class 3 and 4 performed Karate. Preschool performed a dance on the song ‘Ants go marching’ and some English and Hindi rhymes. Class 1 and 2 sang ‘Vande Mataram’.
First flag hoisting was done by two preschool students and then performances happened.
The performance happened outside, in the central courtyard. Sweets were distributed to school students and teachers. Teachers had decorated the campus with drawings made by children. The theme was about national symbols of India and unique features of our country.
This year on 5th September 2019, children performed varied activities planned by different houses of the school namely, Red, Green and Yellow. Red house performed a play on the story ‘The never ending story’. Green house had planned some interesting games for teachers to play. They had also made some cards for teachers. Yellow House performed a semi classical dance on the composition ‘Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Maheshwara’, and they also performed a drama on one of their chosen stories.
After these performances, students of class 9th and 10th taught in class Nursery upto Class 4 . These ‘teachers for the day’ experienced how it feels to be a teacher of curious learners.
Teachers thoroughly enjoyed these performances and thanked the students for their efforts and love.
December 2019
Inaugration of this year’s festival happened by two prominent people of the city, namely, Snehlata Yadav , an artist known for her knowledge in Indian folk art and by Dr. Kavita Shah, faculty member from Department of Environmental Sciences, BHU.
- Storytelling session: Gaurav Saini, a resident artist at Nirman, conducted an interesting storytelling session for students of Classes 3, 4 and 5. The story session was arranged in an intimate, cozy corner.
- Arts Workshop: Snehlata Yadav conducted two Arts workshops. With class 6, she created an interesting mandala using leaves, stones and sticks. With classes 7 and 8, she taught them Shadow painting using cartridge paper, oil pastel colors and their imagination. Children thoroughly enjoyed this process and the final outcome of the Art workshop.
- Dance workshop: Aditi Vatsa from Delhi conducted a Dance workshop with classes 9 and 10. After some warm up exercises and energizers, she taught them two circular dances.
- Civic Workshops: Three workshops were conducted by Professor Sanjay Srivastava, Faculty member from Department of Political Science, BHU. He was helped by his students and research scholars from the department. The sessions were about Traffic lights ( for classes Nursery, K.G., 1 and 2), about National Symbols and our freedom fighters ( for classes 3, 4 and 5) and about Parliamentary elections (for classes 8,9 and 10). The sessions were thoroughly enjoyed by the students.
- Music Workshop: A music workshop was conducted by Ankita Acharya, in which students of Classes 1 to 4 were taught about the basics music.
Performances and Demonstrations
- Circus by students of Preschool
- Animal Choir by students of classes 1 to 4
- Karate Demonstration by students of classes 3 and 4, 7 and 9
- Aikido demonstration by students of class 8 (Teacher: Sensei Paolo from Italy)
- A Fusion of Indian Classical and Modern Contemporary dance by class 9 and 10.
- Folk dances:
- Punjabi folk by students of preschool, 1 and 2.
- Bengali folk by students of preschool
- Maharashtrian folk by students of class 5
- Garhwali folk dance by students of class 1 and 2
- Dance from Goa by students of class 3 and 4
- Hip Hop dance by students of class 5
- Theatre plays performed by class 6 and by class 9.
- Two musical choirs featuring Indian folk songs and some international melodies were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.